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Hrvatska liječnička komora i Pravni fakultet u Splitu, uz suorganizaciju ostalih komora u zdravstvu, organiziraju 3. Kongres Koordinacije komora u zdravstvu (KoKoZ) te 5. Hrvatski kongres medicinskog prava koji će se održati od 3. do 5. prosinca 2021. u Rovinju, hotel Eden. Oko 40 domaćih i stranih stručnjaka održat će predavanja iz područja zdravstva i prava nakon kojih su predviđene rasprave. Source: Kongresi KoKoZ-a i medicinskog prava u Rovinju

Sadržaj prenesen na engleskom jeziku. Coimbra Health School, led by a consortium of European Higher Education Institutions, is launching a Joint Master Degree in Biomedical Laboratory Science (MARBLE). This course will be provided in partnership by four entities: Coimbra Health School (Portugal) University of Gothenburg (Sweden) Wien University Campus of Applied Science (Austria) Technological University Dublin (Irland) and the European Association for Professions in Biomedical Sciences (EPBS) Aims of the MARBLE Provide access to specialist post-graduate education in biomedical sciences in the EU, increasing the European dimension of Biomedical Science and its identity, harmonizing and supporting specialities in Biomedical Laboratory Science. The programme will facilitate students to increase their specialist knowledge, promote mobility of graduates and provide postgraduate biomedical scientists for the market throughout Europe. To foster and develop advanced knowledge of emerging developments in clinical laboratory medicine and application of research methods Making lifelong learning and mobility of…


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